The search engine is not only Google, you can also try these ten alternative engines.
In this sophisticated world, getting the information we need is not difficult. We just need to connect the device to the internet, open a search engine, type in keywords according to the information we need, and get information in seconds. Of course, the ease of getting this information can occur because of the giant search engine that can be accessed by internet users. As a result, as a giant search engine, Google is often used by internet users every day. In fact, more than 65 percent of internet users use Google as their search tool.
However, are you aware that there are actually a lot of search engines that can be used as an alternative to searching for information other than Google? Check out Justrive's summary as follows:
1. Yahoo

If this name, of course, is familiar. You could say, Yahoo is the most used search engine after Google. Founded in 1994 by David Fillo and Jerry Ying, Yahoo was originally a web directory.
However, in 2002, Yahoo turned into a search engine that could track other sites automatically. Along with the times, Yahoo also provides news aggregators, shopping centers, email service centers, horoscopes, to games.
2. Bing
Launched in 2009 by Microsoft, Bing has also become the most widely used search engine in the world. In fact, Microsoft had created a search engine before the launch of Bing.
It's just that, at that time, the search engine was called MSN Search. The advantage that Bing has is the attractive design of the images that are displayed when visitors are going to search on their site.
3. Ask

4. Aol

Aol, formerly known as America Online, is not a new player among the various search engines on the internet. Before Google appeared, Aol was once the most popular site on the internet because of the email service it provided. In fact, the popularity of Aol beat Yahoo, which also provides email services.
5. DuckDuckGo

DuckDuckGo, often referred to as DDG, was founded by Gabriel Weinberg in 2008. This search engine offers its users several advantages, including less number of ads and less redundancy (repetition of search results).
In addition, DuckDuckGo values the privacy of its users. They do not store user data so will not manipulate search results based on user behavior.
6. Dogpile

Back in 1996, Dogpile had become one of the most popular search engines on the internet before Google existed. Unfortunately, this search engine then experienced a decline and was acquired by Go2net.
You can also use this search engine as an alternative because Dogpile collects search results from Google, Yahoo, and Yandex without ad interference.
7. IxQuick

IxQuick is also not a new name in the internet world. This search engine was founded in 1998 by David Bodnick. Not much different from DuckDuckGo, IxQuick also prioritizes the privacy of its users. Users can set individual preferences, but those settings will be removed after 90 days of inactivity.
8. Excite

Next, is the Excite search engine. The search engine, which was launched in December 1995, provides a variety of content including news and weather information. The search results displayed on this engine are collected from more than 100 different sources.
9. Boardreaders

Boardreader is an alternative to other search engines. The search results displayed on Boardreader come from forums and message boards. You can use this search engine if you want to get a deeper perspective of a subject.
10. Yandex

Thankyou for letting me know that there are several search engines except google that exists or ever existed.